Amateur ‘ologists

Posted in 5. First Landing by The Benjamin Family


Day 5 — 00:05:05:00

Mariana was right, this was a mess. After what happened to Thompson everyone and their dog became amateur zoologists, entomologists, dendrologists and every other type of ologist you could imagine. Now, I’m not usually one to begrudge good intentioned assistance, and I know that these people are just trying to help, but this has really gotten out of hand.

“How do you like your new job so far?” I asked Kara, gesturing at the mess of impromptu sample containers she was trying to catalogue. I turned to R.Eddings, who was carrying the crate of the samples Jai, Sin and I had been collecting. “Put it down over here Red.”

“Is that…” she began.

“More samples? Yup.” She groaned. “No, no, don’t worry. These,” I tapped the crate, “are different!” She raised an eyebrow.

I walked over to the table that had the samples stacked on, under and around it, as organized as they could be under the circumstances and peered in at the disarray. I sighed. I haven’t done any real zoology or veterinary work in almost a decade and this is how I have to start off?

“Alright, forget these. For now at least. Start on these.” I opened the crate and took one small container out, handing it to Kara along with a small memory disk. “They’re all numbered. When we collected the specimens we photographed them and entered location, time of sample, notable characteristics, specific suggestions on tests, etc. After you download them you’ll still have to enter them into Mariana’s database, but the real work is going to be trying to cross reference all of the amateur samples with ours. Most of those will probably be duplicates of things we’ve already got, but if there’s any question set them aside for Jai, Sin or I to double check. Oh, and some of my ‘samples’ are still skittering around, so be careful.”

“Damn. You have no idea how much that helps. A good half of that lot don’t even have locations, and I’m pretty sure people were only sampling things that they had already seen other people touch. Which is probably for the best, all things considered. If I need any help I’ll give you a shout. I’ll get you the disc back tonight.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you then.” I’m glad this project was finally underway. After what happened to Thompson who knew what else was waiting to surprise us?

Loose Ends, Loose Ends

Posted in 5. First Landing by Andrew Stuart

Day 5 0:dark:30

Getting these days started well before first light was getting old. I drug myself over to Ash’s tent and woke him up. When I could see he was actually awake I filled him in.

“OK Ash you have two jobs this morning. First take number 4 out of the array with the second display and keyboard and get it over to the Lab and get it linked with number 5 that’s already there. Then pull the samples control database program off of Mariana’s memory bank. Get it up and running and hand it to Kara. Second, take Walt over to the common stores tent and pull his share; no more and no less! Then, start getting him set up on the triangle point right behind us!”

He just yawned at me, “Number one’s a piece of cake. Are you sure you want me doing number two and what are you going to be doing?”

“I know the network job is no problem for you. I don’t think anything is going to happen at the supplies tent. Nobody is going to do anything stupid after last night, not with this ‘Town Meeting’ coming up. I am going to be dragging that damn slizzard from here to the Lab the long way around!”

Ash just gave a grunt and asked, “Then what?”

“By then I’ll be back and I have a little job for Walt, you and I need to throw together plans for the Hydro plant! By the way did you know Walt got the nickname Wirehead because he’s a communications Tech 1st? It was in that database you salvaged.” The light in Ash’s eyes was worth the early hour!

A Private Conversation

Posted in 5. First Landing by Les Reye

Buchanan’s Tent

…..“It’s unfortunate that you got thrown around and kicked in such a tender spot Burt, but it could ultimately…. I mean I guess it will help insure things on Alchibah are set up to run in a more reasonable manner than was otherwise likely.

“That’s easy for you to say.” responded Buchanan. “I can hardly walk yet. But I see your point.”

“I’m not sure you do Burt. It’s the emotional reaction I’m talking about, and I had one too. Somehow or other I’ve gotten off on the wrong foot with a number of our fellow colonists. I need to take responsibility for that and try and make things right and I think I will. But what was going on inside your head that made you act so totally out of character? I can’t even see why would you approach Emily Parker? After all she had done nothing even remotely related to Thompson’s death. And I think the Parker‘s are the kind of people that are our natural allies.”

Pausing just a bit before answering, a hesitation that Reye missed entirely, Buchanan said. “Why Lester… I had nothing at all against the Parker girl. But it’s just as you say. I was only trying to confuse things so our split would seem plausible. I know it makes me look bad but after all the supposed split makes you look better and that had to happen if we are going to have half a chance at the colony meeting. I can take the heat for the time being but how are you going to explain your reaction to the Benjamin girl?”

“That was a mistake but I will work to make amends. I’m sure no one other than the girl herself actually heard what I said. What I must do is publicly apologize, even as I explain that I have nothing to apologize for, and was only going over to offer an expression of sympathy and make an attempt to explain to that young Amazon Jaisa (but I won‘t refer to her as an Amazon), that I felt her in no way whatsoever responsible for what happened to Thompson. And you know Burt, that was what I should have been doing. Somehow my frustrations overruled my nature. It never should have happened and all I can do now is explain it away so that it never did. It’s messy but now denunciation of your behavior will make our split seem quite reasonable. I don‘t like these Machiavellian plots. All I want is to what‘s best for the colony as a whole.”

Reye shook his head in evident sorrow, “Yes, that will work.” he continued. “And when I apologize for ‘her’ misunderstanding I think I will come off as sincere, very reasonable and open to admitting mistakes. That is even more important for a politician than for most others. If the girl says anything about what she thinks I said to her, I will just explain again how sorry I am she took it that way and say it must have been her overwrought emotional state that confused my intentions and made her hear what she thinks she did. Even so her reaction was so inappropriate and disproportionate that it demonstrates why we need some rules and order here and why we need them now. Violence, guns, knifes, force…they never solve anything.”

“Ok Les that works good for you but how can I put myself forward as the leader of an opposition party? I did what I did because it needed doing to split us apart. I sure wasn’t going to bring any votes in for a party of the middle but then I am not exactly popular with most of the people here anyway.”

“I don’t think you can lead a party Burt. As I see it now the only recourse is for you to step aside and let Jack the Blade become the front man. Animosity to him is high enough, but not nearly so high as it is to you after last night, I will look like the moderate I am in comparison. I do hate to operate in this manner but we can only tell Jack enough to keep him under control, and playing his part. I really don’t trust his nature. We will have to deal with him later but first things first. And we are after all doing this for everyone‘s benefit. They just can’t see that now.”

“Ok.” agreed Buchanan, “We deal with it that way…. Now here’s how I think it goes. At the meeting there will be only about 120 votes up for grab. We control 18 of them right now. We will have to walk the line with Jack so he doesn’t come off entirely too extreme. Jack says he stands for strong government till we have the colony up and running. If we do that right and give him the arguments some will think him a fascist but he probably still gets another 5 to 10 people to side with that approach. I see three other factions forming up.”

“One I’ll call the Anarchists they think not limited government but no government is the best and only solution. I figure 20 to 30 fit that mold. They will want to just pick up their marbles and leave at first. Some probably will. But if we offer them, say six months of trying out our system, and tell them at any time they are free to go I think we can get at least a third of them to come to us.”

“The second faction, and the one most dangerous to us, is the small government leave me alone and I leave you alone group. They will be willing to accept a limited role for government but insist on extreme restrictions on it’s power and scope. I would put their numbers at perhaps 35 right now.”

“The third faction, I’m not even sure we can call them a faction, hasn’t even given the situation enough thought to have an opinion other than hoping every thing works out. We work hard for support from that group. That type never even sees the curtain much less looks behind it.”

“Your analysis is very good Burt, but don’t even think about a curtain, you are far too cynical. I saw enough idealism perverted and the resultant hurt caused back on Earth by that type of thinking. We can, and we will do better. All you and I are trying to do is make sure a proper framework is in place for a just and equitable society. But I do want to thank you again for explaining to me that your goals were the same as mine and coming up with a plan. Judith and I were sure just days ago that there was no hope for anything but an uncaring rightwing and ultimately repressive government.”

An Hour Later

    Burt Buchanan tipped his glass to Jack the Blade, “Here’s to ‘Useful Idiots’, Lester Reye hasn’t a clue and never will. He’s so sure he is in charge and managing the political dimensions of the group and plan that he couldn’t see a Slizard if it were charging for his throat. You should have heard our conversation.”

That Afternoon

“Hi Honey. How did your talk with Burt Buchanan go?” Judith Reye said to her husband, when he returned to their tent.

“I think we understand each other, or at least I understand him, but I have nagging doubts. Burt has deluded himself into thinking I take him at face value and that’s why I‘ll play his game. Hell… I‘m not even sure now that we should have come along on the Mayflower.”

“Don’t even think that. What would have happened if we had stayed on Earth? Quotas would have kept Mike out of the best schools the ones he needed to get into and like so many others he would have had nothing to look forwards to but a lower standard of living than we had. And it wouldn’t be his fault nor ours. Oh we were doing fine enough I guess, but both my parents and yours were better off than we were. All of the social programs, the ones they fought so hard to pass and we always voted for seemed to get hijacked for someone else’s benefit.”

“Willmont was in most ways a very good place to live and after you got elected to the board it should have gotten better. When it did and you ran for state assembly I was so proud of you. Yet that seemed to be the end of it. A brick wall with no way through. We need to learn from that and make sure the same mistakes don’t happen here.”

“You’re right as always. This time, much as it disgusts me I intend to make sure that when the deals are made, and they always are, I have a say in the outcome. But even if I can‘t win the vote I am going to do whatever it takes to insure the right principals triumph.”

A Quiet Moment….and RIP

Posted in 5. First Landing by Hanna Parker

Jules had asked the Historian to carve into the small white cross: Robert Bova Thompson  July 9, 2022 - 00:0003  RIP.  He had made two more with different names and dates.  One for Arte Clarke and one for Harlan Allison.  They stood in such a sad row.

Besides Jules and me, there were only four others attending the memorial service. Both Captains….  Travis and Larry Monroe (Monroe lost the coin toss to determine who was to stay on the ship), wanted to be there and so did Bill Bartlett who had gotten to know Clarke so well in that four years on the Mayflower. But the Historian said the work was too important and he would stand for them.  Thompson had no relatives amongst the rest of the colonists and in the short time available to him his quiet nature had made few friends. Jules spoke reverently of the men, he read Psalm 23, and then softly we sang a hymn. His Robot, appropriately named R. Digger, had prepared the grave at the foot of Windmill Hill, [U3], and assisted in lowering the wooden casket. 

As we left the gravesite I asked Histy who would register these first colony deaths.  “We need a statistician, I left all that data tracking behind when I retired” I said.  He agreed and said the robots needed to be included in the registry too.  According to the Historian, R. Digger would need to be reprogrammed soon or he would start functioning erratically, not dangerously, just erratically, and then cease to function at all.   
The ceremony was over and I turned and said, “Jules, what day is it today, dear, and when will it be Sunday?  I’ll feel so much better when we start having weekly worship services.  I think the Encyclopedia says the date on Earth is September 19, 2056.  But that doesn’t help.” 

Jules told me he had discussed that with Junior already and that JJ was going to make a list of holidays, religious feasts, family birthdays, and such and fit them into Alchibah time as soon as he could get around to it. 

As we walked back toward the daycare center I said, “There’s so much that needs to be done, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all.” 

“Hanna, don’t worry.  It will all work itself out.  We’ve got lots of willing hands and the right spirit to make a success of this new world.”

“Jules, I worry about the future.  Our family.  Running the First Inn.  The daycare center.  Establishing government and an economic system for the colony.  I forsee lots of problems with this mixed population.”  Then with a mischievous twinkle I added, “We could use “bar”-tender!”
“Are you keeping track of how much time you’ve spent taking care of meals and other work for the colony, Hanna?” 

“No I haven’t, Jules.  Why would I, or anyone else?  For the mostpart, we’re all pitching in.  Besides, is the value of one hour’s work the same for all, and who gets to decide?  See what I mean:  lots of questions, but no answers!” 

“This communal style of living can’t go on forever.  I think what everyone is doing now, things that show a willingness to work or a pioneer spirit, will influence how responsibilities will be delegated.  The life of the colony will depend on it.  Can’t give the keys to just anyone!” 

“And, speaking of keys, what about the food pantry and liquor cabinet:  how good is the inventory and what are we short of?” 

“For starters, we’re running short of all alcoholic beverages.  At the current unrationed rate of consumption, we’ll be a dry county in a bit over a month.  And for some, that wouldn’t be such a bad idea in my mind.  I’m reluctant to bring it up, but unless the colony starts a no work, no colony-supplied drink policy, we’ll find that when we do run out the laziest 10% were responsible for 80% of consumption.  How quickly can we grow our own and distill it?”

“If we run the First  Inn, we’re going to need food, lots of it:  fish, meat ’n potatoes, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and even a bakery.  And ovens and grills.  The heat-and-eat bread is just about gone.  The portable stoves aren’t much good for anything but reheating.  We have flour for quite a while, but someone will have to try and grow grain, at least wheat and barley.  There’s a good living there but it will take a lot of work.  Then of course we’ll need a flour mill too.”

“The outhouses are another story!  They’re uncomfortable and inconvenient.   They need to be emptied all the time, and we need more of them….yesterday!  Who’s going to be stuck with that job?  Even the robots turned up their noses at that one.”

“As for refrigeration, there’s just one small unit on the whole planet.  We’ll have to protect the food staples from predators [both two-legged and multi-footed], and until more coolers/freezers can be built, maybe use caves, build smoke/drying houses?  We have enough dishes and silverware but need platters, large bowls, mixers, and other utensils; things that I saw in the Mayflower’s list of supplies but didn’t see after we landed.  Did they go with the Copernicus?  It’s not as if I can place an order for more supplies on the net.” 

Hanna muses… “What would R.J. think of all this?  Initially, I wonder if it’ll be similar to the Amish approach; if we’ll construct community buildings first, then provide a basic frame home, families first, then for couples – families could add on afterwards.  I wonder how Janie’s doing with ol’ Bart; haven’t seen Tim lately either.  What about those who don’t carry their own weight – will the Reyes?  To myself… “Stop thinking like that, Hanna.  Where is your Christian charity?” 

“And if all of my own concerns aren’t enough, I’m very worried about Emily… and not just about last night.”

Bring One to the Light

Posted in 5. First Landing by Andrew Stuart


I took Walt up towards the bluff line with me and saw the two figures crouching on the military crest of the bluff and thought how many generations of Stuart women had come upon this scene in the dark. The Laird and Thain squatting in the darkness with the Prince of the Clan. For that they were and Ash’s son would be the next Laird, as I could not give Andy the honor! Just as we approached Ash stood up and said, “I better get, this next part ain’t for me!” There was more to the Hound Dog than many (especially ME) wanted to admit.

As Ash walked off I decided to get right to it, “Walt Davis allow me to introduce you to Dr. Andrew William Walker Stuart, known socially as Andy, professionally as Andy Stuart, militarily as Col. Stuart and in the back alleys as the Reaper. And in derogatory circles as my lesser half!”


I stood and turned, “Only in the presence of the female of the species am I the lesser half. Good evening Walt, don’t I know you as Wirehead?”

His look was priceless as well as his sputtered response, “Dr. Stuart, I mean Sir; how could you be the Reaper. I saw you up on the cruiser but, you are a legend in Communications; you can’t be the Reaper!”

“See anybody around here who could pass for me? If you are truly leaving the “Dark Side”, get it straight the two ain’t mutually exclusive. You can actually be smart and dangerous in the same package. I do not care what the UNWG pounded into your head. That’s why Alchibah is going to work, because we are leaving that shit behind! So, what did you do that got Jack to drag you into the hell storm that the cruiser assault could have been.”

He looked me straight in the eye and said, “Sir, the name is Walt Davis and I am a deserter from the UNWG Orbital Special Operations.”

I paused and said, “Son, those assholes are a long way away from here. Head down the bluff and find Ash, tell him you are bunking with him tonight. He’s got two bunks! And tomorrow we will go get your share of the common gear.”

“Andy, Jack’s not going to like that!”

“Damn Walt, promise me please!”

When it All Comes at Once

Posted in 5. First Landing by Andrew Stuart


A mere couple of hours had convinced me of the storm that was coming for our Lab. These folks had samples stacked up deeper than I could imagine. Everyone had something they wanted checked and the Thompson incident had only increased the concern.

At least I was happy to see that most everyone wore some kind of gloves to touch things they knew nothing about and the vast majority wore composite soled boots or shoes. Mama Nature was not going to get too many of them for free! Simple things people, simple things!

I got a kick out of watching Andy help so many little things. He was having fun, brute force could fix a lot of things! How many people thought I was a small person just because they had only seen me beside the walking human tank.

Sally and I had our GP kits out checking with everyone we could; there were a large number of small nicks, scrapes, sprains and a couple of minor allergic reactions. Finding nothing major we were pleasantly surprised as major construction was popping up everywhere.

I finally ran across Kara who was nursing of all things a blister. “Manual labor not your thing?” I asked as I finished draining and dressing it.

She sighed, “I try but I have always been more of an Office type than an outdoor type. I can do lot better with a data base than a bush knife, thats for sure. It’s just that there is so much to do everyone has to at least try.”

“Unlike a few of our number I’ve noted. Anyway, how would you like a job running a desk and a computer?”

Kara just looked kinda confused, “There aren’t any jobs like that here!”

“There will be in a couple of hours! As soon as Kurt finishes calibration, the Lab is going to need a controls clerk and quick!”

“But Mariana, I do not know anything about medical labs. What good would I be?”

“Kara the controls clerk is a traffic cop. Get the samples, get a control number on them and into the data base. Get a short description of where it came from and what specifics if any they want tested. Get it in the data base and flagged in the incoming queue. Watch the outgoing queue and get the results to the samples owner! Sound familiar?”

“Yeah, real familiar. Now all we need is a computer to do that with!”

“Trust me Kara, We will have all the computer we need! Or some big genius is gonna find somewhere else to sleep!”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw said big lug fly out our tent in full ‘Hunt em Down” mode and go immediately to speed. I strained out with my talent, I could feel the nexus that was Andy on a mission! After several minutes it seemed to disappear, someone had called a false alarm!

We talked for a few more minutes and two more people came by with blisters. One guy made a joke about being dumb for not using his best gloves but he had no idea what this new tree sap would do to them.

As I was finishing this group my wrist comp chimed up, “Lab Group, K. Kellerman; if everyone would show up I think we declare this place operational!”

I got together with Sally and Linda joined us from Hanna’s place; Dave waved from the windmill sites that he would meet us there. Sally asked me, “Do you have any idea what came over my idiot husband? He actually sounds like a human being again and he and Ash are thick as thieves!”

“No idea but I’ll tell you something about Ash. You never have to wait long to find out if he has a problem with you. But, he forgives as fast as he angers. If you have something he needs or make any effort at all to change, you are fine.”

When we got to the Lab Dave and Kurt were already finishing the sweep of power and data. I double checked primary and Sally double checked diagnostic. Linda confirmed the interface transfer and allergenic prediction.

“OK folks we are officially up!” I said with a grin. “Drinks at Hanna’s?” No one had any objections!

When we got there we found everyone in cleanup mode. “What happened,” I asked to the room in general?

A quiet voice behind me stated, “The resident jackals tried to hassle Jai Benjamin and Emily Parker. I do not think they will try Jai again but they were gonna take it out on Emily. Then the hammers of hell came in the side flap and promised them what would happen! None of those scum were going to try Ghost and the Reaper; they only want the weak ones!”

I turned and stared into the dim light,”Were you on the cruiser with Jack?’

“Yes Ma’am, go by Wirehead these days!”

“OK, think fast. If you want me to believe you, what’s your real name, what’s your story and how did you know those call signs, cause I know you did not hear them on the cruiser?”

Wirehead started to turn away but then turned back and sat heavily on a chair. “OK, got to trust someone sometime. The name is Walt Davis and I am a deserter from the UNWG Orbital Special Operations because I would not be a jackal. They do not train for honor or excellence any more, just obedience and ruthlessness. They kept beating into our brain that there were people out there we were going to have to face! People who put Honor and Loyalty in front of Mission . The big Bogeymen were Magic, Ghost, Angel, Wildcat, Mad Dog, Backstop and above all the Reaper. I know that I saw two of them not 10 minuets ago and if they were Ghost and the Reaper, you must be Magic! Lady I want out but no one will trust me!”

I looked at the stunned faces around me and then stared into Walt’s eyes. After a full two minuets he had not flinched and the eyes were the same agonized pools. “OK people, no one says anything about this; be at the Lab first thing in the morning. Walt, come on I want to introduce you to Dr. Andrew Stuart!”

Colony: Alchibah is a science fiction blog novel.
Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Probably.

All Contents (written or photo/artwork) not attributed to other sources is
Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 by Jeff Soyer. All rights reserved.