6.7 Town Meeting — Nominations

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by The Historian

Day 7, 4PM

“We are about to accept nominations for the five positions on our new Town Council. They will, by our mandate, serve for not more than 200 days. Within 30 days, we will expect them to come up with proposals for the following:”

I looked at the list I’d been keeping and then said,

“1. Coming up with a satisfactory monetary or credit system to allow us to engage in commerce. Subject to final oral vote by the colonists.

“2. Coming up with proposals for a formal education system, which could be public, or private, or home schooling, or a combination of those three, and how such systems would be funded. Also subject to discussion and vote.

“3. Their own list of how their actions or powers as a Town Council should be limited and on a simple Bill of Rights for all colonists. All of this subject to a vote. The term of such Bill of Rights should be for the balance of the 200 days of their term of office. I call this the ‘humility exercise.’ Subject to discussion and vote.”

I turned to Captain Travis and said, “How long until you have a formal grid map of our new definition of the size of Liberty?”

Travis said, “Glenda and I will be leaving tonight, after the party. I’ll be returning tomorrow morning with the steel beams to creat the bridge on the river. I’ll photograph the area then and Monroe will put it all together in a day or two.”

I made a note on my list and then addressed the assembly again, “Meeting at night so they can fufill their other duties, the new Town Council will, within three days OR LESS perform the following duties:

“1. Assign and co-ordinate a list of things, projects that need to be started immediately, such as agriculture or crop raising. A more formal plan for defending the immediate area from predators, asking or appointing groups of colonists to begin design for such basics as a fresh water system. Lastly, because we don’t know what dangers await us, perhaps co-ordinating the building of a small hospital or clinic, also here in the immediate area, “Down Town” as it were.

“2. Using the map that will be provided by the Mayflower, designating what areas of the township are reserved for the town, a plan so all — besides their land grants — can, if they desire, participate in a “business district” in the Down Town area. And most importantly, hold a lottery — it can be as simple as slips of paper or randomly generated numbers that colonists can grab, and then begin selecting their properties.”

I paused and then said, “If you have any additions to that list, speak up now. Additionally, I open the floor to nominations to the new Town Council.”

A Meeting of the Minds

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by Les Reye

Day 7 00:07:14:05

This session had been underway just over two hours with the Historian asking for nominations when one of Buchanan’s poll workers slipped me a message from Burt. It said to meet him outside. I gave it a couple of minutes then left the building. Burt was standing there.

“What kept you Les?” He asked, as soon as we were sure no one else was around.

“I waited just long enough so people wouldn’t think we left together.”

“I’ve been out here half an hour. Next time I give you instructions just follow them.”

“Humph! What about you Burt? You’ve hardly said a word in the meeting all day. How come?”

“Just consider me the Nuclear Option.”

“Nuclear Option? What do you mean by that?”

“After the way the land proposal went over you have a good chance of coming in first in the popular vote for Council. That now should be our goal. If any thing comes up before the vote that threatens to derail the possibility, I am going to support it strongly. My support ought to go a long way towards defeating that kind of issue.”

“Who is going to nominate me?

“I think it best if your wife does it. I was working on what she should say but let‘s just let her do it in her own words.“

“What about Jack’s nomination?”

“Pamela Nash.”

“Is she one of us?”

“She doesn’t know it now but she certainly is. She’ll do it to show her commitment to the gods of diversity and liberalism. Here‘s the nomination acceptance speech. Memorize it and be ready. Now get back in I’ll be in in a moment.”

6.6 Town Meeting — First Lands…

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by The Historian

I said, “We turn now to Article Six, the issue of land, property, maybe even property rights although perhaps that is best left until another day.

“It is beyond the scope of this article and meeting to address some millions of square miles of land around the planet so why don’t we just put our collective heads together and figure out how to divvy-up and claim property here in the City of Liberty. For that matter, what would be the size of Liberty.

“‘It’s growing,’ you say, ‘To whatever size it will be.’”

“Fair enough but let’s say that some colonists don’t want to reside within City limits. Where would that be? Do we set aside now, before we become a metropolis in a generation or two, conservation lands or parks within the city limits?

“Now, I also believe it prudent that some of the land here be designated as Town Property and reserved for future uses by the City. I’d further suggest that in our very immediate area, where the tents are, the Parker’s smaller eatery tent, the landing field, bio lab, and this here Town Hall (or Community Center) and, alas, our cemetary, be designated the town commons or a down town if you prefer, and be reserved either as a, shall we say, business district.”

I paused for a moment and then continued, “Claims for land for homesteads or other private uses should probably be outside of such a designated area although obviously the spot where Hanna’s is might be considered ‘private’ property.

“I simply throw these things out for your consideration. Certainly all of us here are entitled to a chunk of free property! What about the roads that will serve us? Easements? Again, no need to nail everything down now but these are things that need to be taken into account at some point.”

I looked at my notes, decided to cut my little speech short and said, “So, I open up the floor and . . . Yes, Mr. Reye, you are again the first with his hand up so . . . Please go ahead…”

6.5 Town Meeting — Money Matters

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by The Historian

Day 7, 3PM

When everyone was back, I said, “Article 5 could be a sticky one. We need to consider, although we probably will not resolve, a monetary system. That is, how do we go about ‘paying’ for things we need? Do we adopt a purely capitalistic system, where the seller sets the price and if the buyers won’t pay it, he has to lower it? This has certainly worked well in much of our old world — at least until the UNWG decided to ‘re-distribute the wealth’.

“In these early days, we are all expected to chip in and provide the fundamentals for each other and most,” I paused to glare at a few people, “…most are doing just that.

“Still, some system needs to be devised. For instance, the supplies that Selco promised to the colonists are all here, now. Suppose we want something else from the Mayflower — how do we pay for it?”

I paused again as some murmering occurred between the colonists and then continued, “As another example, we’ve already discovered that there are some dangerous animals about. Many, most of you possess no arms but others have brought along quite a few. Those that did might want to part with one or two of them but how is a price determined?

“The final article we will discuss before the actual election is land claims, or parceling out the land in town. Not all might need all that land and will want to sell it to someone else who wants more property. What is the price?”

“Now — it could be that we decide on a simple barter system of goods or labor. That would probably suffice for now but again, at some point a more formal system needs to be developed. Also, again, I’d like to stress that we might not reach any conclusions in the time allotted today but I think that you all should have a chance to, er, float some of your ideas.

“We might wind up putting it off or charging our new Town Council with coming up with a system and reporting back to us at another Town Meeting, say in 30 days from now.”

That was probably the longest speech I’d given in four years, since leaving Earth. I took a sip from my coffee cup and then concluded, “So, I’ll open up the floor — let us set a time limit of one hour — for discussion.

“Who wants to go first? Ah, Mr. Reyes, please…”

Not Bad Dummy

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by Andrew Stuart

Day 7 Afternoon 1st Break

Ash Andrews

I basically sprinted outside and lit up a smoke. Andy walked up and did the same!

I asked him,”Well, you didn’t get everything you wanted!” His answer was a surprise!

“Says who? We have recognition of a Federal system in place. The Council for Liberty is an independent body and Mayflower is free to run themselves. That young firebrand friend of yours Jai has a vote and is a recognized Adult. The Council is constrained by direct vote of the people and nobody’s feelings got hurt! Care to tell me what we missed?”

“Damn Andy, you said you were not a politician!”

“Ash you jerk. You know what my last job in the service was. Please tell me how the Commander SOCOM could not learn how to play a little politics? Let’s get back in I am gonna love watching the next round!”

6.4.5 Town Meeting — We Continue…

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by The Historian

Day 7, 2PM

It seemed a shame not to actually resume the meeting out-of-doors, given the lovely, warm weather, so it was with reluctance that I entered the hall and took my place behind the long table in front. The colonists were still streaming in, many talking animatedly with each other, hands waving in expressive motions in sympathy with whatever the heated discussions were about.

Finally, when it seemed that everyone was there, I checked my wristpad, setting it back to record and banged the gavel.

“The meeting will come to order,” I said, “Quiet please.”

I gave everyone another minute or two to settle down and then said, “So, my thanks to Hanna and Company for the fine lunch and now we shall get back to business. Before we move on to Article 5, regarding monetary matters, is there any old business?”

Andrew Stuart stood…

JJ Jumps In

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by Hanna Parker

 JJ Parker

“Filler ‘er up?” Junior asked Rocco.  ‘Most everyone else had gone to their corners or into cliques.  Andy and Travis on one hand; Reyes and Buchanan on another.  As we glanced around the room, our eyebrows raised and Rocco said “I’d sure like to be the fly on the wall behind those guys.” 

Political intrigue and all that.  I thought to myself, which was better – to watch from the outside and hope that the upcoming candidates would be “alright” [I don’t trust some of them], or should I throw my hat into the ring?   “I see lots of tongues wagging, probably of promises being made that won’t be kept.  No use trying to outguess our fellow colonists.  Tell me, which colonists do you want on the council?”

“You, for one.”

“That’s a surprise.  Maybe I should think about it.”

“Maybe you should.”

And to myself I thought, “..and this time mention it to Linda before volunteering for another committee.”  I’d step forward just to prevent someone like Jack the Blade from getting on.  But I wonder what the format is for voting; I’d sure hate to pull votes away from someone like Histy.  With all the conniving going on during lunch, is this any different or better than on earth?  Time will tell. ….. and so will the votes.

Wheels That Go Around

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by Andrew Stuart


Leaving Walt and Ash behind me I went straight for Connor Benjamin, who was outside Hanna’s eating with Kaiya Yamasak and his twins.  “Connor, got a few?  I need to talk back room politics with you!  The rumor mill has it that you have some politics in your bloodline!  How would you think about standing for the Council, if I could promise you an Ace in the Hole to keep track of Reyes?  I am fixing to propose a Federal System with a Grand Council and then one each for Liberty and Mayflower.  Reyes influence on Liberty is the point I am really worried about!  We need a political infighter to oppose him and Buchanan!  You Game?”

“Let’s take a walk,” he said, standing up. “Kaiya, could you watch these two rascals for a minute?”

“My pleasure.  See you in a few.”

As we left Connor turned to me. “Well, you’re right about one thing, I do have it in my blood.  My father was Governor Jason Benjamin – led Vermont to secession, helped found the Alliance of Independent States, all that.  If he were here he’d kick Reye and Buchanan into the middle of last century.  I don’t care what they know about politics, he’d run circles around them.  But him I ain’t.  I didn’t follow his path.  That’s not to say that I wouldn’t be willing to stand for the council – I would, I’m just not sure if I’ve got the instincts you’re looking for.”

“Tell you what I am willing to bet on bloodlines and nerve.  Remember the slizzard, you did not turn and run.  You stood in there ready to do what it took!  That’s all I am really asking, stand in there and do what you think is right.  I am entirely the wrong person for this job.  I’ll get mad and rip Reyes head right off!  Maybe even do it literally, not figuratively!  That’s not what Alchibah needs; we need to try to beat him at his own game!  You are a better choice than me for sure!”

“Alright then.  Who knows, maybe I’ll grow into it.  And I’ll try to avoid any, shall we say, ‘physical altercations?’  Although I do remember some lovely stories of brawls in America’s early Congresses.  I’ll certainly do the best I know how for the colony.” He glanced back at the tent. “I guess the next question is what exactly they’re planning.  I don’t buy for a second Buchanan and Reye’s supposed ‘split.’  I’m sure they’ll run Reye, and no doubt he’ll get in on bullet votes.  None of the rest of them stands a chance though.  So it’ll be Reye, with Buchanan and Jack backing him.  I guess the other question then is what the hell do you mean by a Ace in the Hole?”

“Just keep an eye on Mariana and ask yourself why her call sign was ‘Magic’?’

Connor frowned, then his eyes widened. “Really?  I had he-.  Hmmm…that’ll be a plus.”

“OK, then we will have someone nominate you when the time comes.  That makes Histy, Mariana, You and we know Buchanan’s going to get Reyes in this.  Any ideas for a fifth?”

“I think most people outside of the slackers and snakes would support Kara, and she seems to have a good head on her shoulders.  I’ll make sure she’s nominated.  She probably would be anyway, but no reason to take the chance.”

“OK, I think we have a winner.  Finish your lunch, your gonna need it.”

“I’ll see you at the meeting.”

Get the Right People In the Right Place

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by Andrew Stuart

Ash Andrews

With me cradling Andy’s latest little surprise and chortling we left the tent. Walking towards Hanna’s place we were joined by Walt Davis.

“Well Andy,” Walt said “How should I vote?”

I was stunned thinking Andy would explode, instead he got the softest look on his face that I had seen in a long time!

“Walt,” he said, “I am not Jack, you vote the way you feel is right. When you came over to us you became your own man again. We are not going to hold deserter against you Hell, it showed good common sense. I will however give you a campaign speech. Do you know why I trusted you, the minute you came up to me that night?”

“No Andy, I have been puzzled by that for sure!”

“I was not there but let me guess what went on. You said something that betrayed the way you really felt. Then there was this Blonde staring you right in the face and asking a series of short sharp questions. What did you do?”

“Shit Andy, I sat down and gave her the whole story and I still do not know why!”

“Don’t worry Walt, you are not the first. You know that everybody on the old Teams had their call sign chosen for them; we didn’t get to pick ‘em. You can figure how I got mine, had it since the second Battle of Tehran. Smiling Dummy over there got ‘Ghost’ cause no one could ever figure out how he got on their ‘Six’. Now why do you think they called her ‘Magic’?”

Walt looked like someone just punched in the gut, “What the frack are you talking about?  And why do you want her on the Council? I thought you would want that job?”

“Why Walt would I want that? You know I would blow up at Reyes and ruin everything. Nope, let’s put the person most qualified to call BS on him where she can do the most good.”

Walt and I both asked at the same time, “But, what are you going to do?”

Andy replied, “What I do best! I intend to be Commander (Ground) Alchibah! Between Travis and myself we will defend this place. Ash, you asked a few minutes ago how much of HP did I own? About 25 Million bucks worth of it. We did not come out here for Fame and Fortune! We left it behind!”

With that, he turned and headed towards Connor Benjamin.

Walt breathed deeply, “Guess my past really don’t matter to him, does it.”

“Not since Mariana walked you up to that ridge line bubba! But I gotta go. I think I have a nomination speech to practice!”

A Word in Edgewise

Posted in 6. Town Meeting by William Bartlett

Day Seven Lunchtime 00:07:11:40

“Janie and I were just finishing lunch. We had been able to eat outside because the weather was so perfect. Because of that we were there to see the Historian as he strolled along heading back to the Community Building. It looked to be twenty minutes before the meeting was set to resume, and as he passed by I said to him, “Hi Brice, got a minute?“

He glanced at his watch and said, “Sure Bart, why so formal, you only call me Brice when you want something.”

“Pull up a chair and I‘ll tell you.” I replied while pointing at a spot right beside us on the ground. As I watched him work a bit to settle down into place I was struck for the first time that he was old… I had never thought of him that way before but at 70 he was probably the oldest of all the Colonists.

When he appeared comfortable I continued. “Janie and I were thinking,… Well Ok Janie was thinking and I was watching, but when she was done I had to agree with her. Things are getting too much like they were back on Earth. How ‘bout you explain it Janie, just the way you told me?”

“Glad to Bart. I’ll just give you the basics for now Histy because I know the meeting will be resuming soon. Unlike Bart,” with a nod in my direction, “And it seems unlike many of the rest of the Colonists, I left Earth not because of a great wrong done to me or any of my family. On a professional basis I was outwardly doing rather well. But I felt stifled and always seemed to want to look behind me to see who was watching. It was the constant nag and sense of being over regulated and under the control of all the petty rules and authorities. I was dreaming and looking to find a place where I could do as I wanted most of the time. Sure I wanted to make a difference to those around me… yet not have to put up with the kind of regimentation and the ordering of every aspect of my life that was driving me to distraction. You could say I was looking for a kind of Walden Pond with friends and modern conveniences, and a good job too.”

“I can understand that Janie,” the Historian said with a hint of wistfulness in his voice. “Go on. Tell me more. But remember I‘ve only a few minutes.”

“I know it’s early in our time here but it just doesn’t seem to be working out the way I planned. I’m no dummy and Bart’s one of the smartest, most practical and certainly the nicest guy I’ve ever met. Yet in this place here and now, we are, both of us, misfits. It’s almost like we were the last Neanderthals swamped by the coming of the Homo Sapiens.”

“I could see by the Histy’s puzzled expression that the analogy hadn’t quite worked so I said, “What she means–”

Janie interrupted me by saying, “No, I’ll finish this Bart. I know that almost everyone here is a decent and honorable person, and Robert Hamilton,” she said looking the Historian right in the eyes, “Must have had a good reason for every selection. But listen to my list, and think about it.”

“ First we have Jack the Blade he seems more like a violent sociopath than anyone I’d have asked to come along. He’s at best a radical anarchist with delusions of grandeur. He is so sure he will get everything he wants that it’s scary. I‘m pleased but more than a little surprised that Eugene Washburn and the guy Jack used to call Wirehead, I forget his name, seem to be ok.”

“And that brings us to Burt Buchanan. He is a bully and a snarling contriver; he is a replica of every petty tyrant and bureaucrat that I thought was dead, brought back to life on Alchibah. And just like Jack, or maybe just with Jack, he figures he gets his way too. Can’t we ever escape that type?

“Now we go on to Lester Reye,” she continued, “who spends his time worrying about everybody else’s business rather than his own. And it sure looks like he gets elected to the Council in spite of it. Bart told me even he would have been voting for the bastard jerk if he hadn’t had the chance to see him in action when Reye decided he would be first on the block with a real house. Look at all the people following him. And as I told Bart ‘If you go with the flow…You’ll be caught in the flood’. His every word is unctuous to the point or hypocrisy. But enough of him for now.”

“And next I give you…. ” Janie began, but a cough from the Hist stopped her for a moment.

The Historian said, “I can see you’ve got much more to say Janie, more than I have time for now, I’ve got to get the meeting underway. We’ll continue this after our next recess but you have given me something to think about.”

Colony: Alchibah is a science fiction blog novel.
Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Probably.

All Contents (written or photo/artwork) not attributed to other sources is
Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 by Jeff Soyer. All rights reserved.